12 December 2010

The Vast West Awaits

It doesn't look as much of a tongue twister as it is until you try to say it ten times fast.

Tongue twisters aside, it's the truth, too. After eight and a half years of living on the East Coast, I'm packing my bags and returning to Colorado. It was a very hard decision, but after the year I've had, kind of inevitable. External logic aside, though, I fortunately also have felt good about it. I waffled for a bit, wondering about what I was feeling and sometimes feeling better about staying out here, but once I made a few steps to make the move and telling more people, it started feeling better.

So, next Friday, my wonderful, loving daddy-o will fly to DCA and then together we'll drive across the USA. We'll stop for a couple nights at my cousin Jenny's in Ohio, which will be fun. I haven't seen Jenny for a very long time, so I'm looking forward to catching up with her and meeting her kids. After that, we'll probably find hotels--or hopefully just one, but depending on how fast we go, it might be two.  Really hopefully not more than that.

One blessing, among many, that has come with this, was finding a moving company that will load my boxes and furniture for me, and drive my stuff out to CO, for a very reasonable price--after gas is calculated in, it's less even than U-Hauling, where I'd have to pack and drive. Of course, there still will be gas, since we'll drive my car instead of towing, but, my car gets better gas mileage than U-Haul trucks, so it's still better.

Another blessing came last night when my roommate Carrie hosted a farewell party for me so I got to see many of my dear friends from the area. Most were from the Belle Haven ward, where I've been for the last three 1/2 years, but also some singles from different wards, and I think the only exception to that is my friend Justin and his wife Diana and new baby boy, whom I got to hold. Very cute kid.

It's actually significant to mention Justin for another reason. Although it's been a few years--since I don't think he was dating Diana quite yet, but he actually gave me a blessing in which I was told I would feel good about wherever I moved. Based on my graduating from Hollins and struggle with employment, I had thought I'd move earlier, but I've waited for the right feeling, and now I have it.

I'm glad I've stayed these couple of years, though, as I've been blessed with the friendships of a number of people since that time. And I've gained some experiences in other areas in my life, as well. But it will be interesting, now, to see what the Lord has in store for me back in Colorado!


kirsten said...

we'll miss you, but i'm excited for you and the peace you feel in your decision - best of luck!

M said...

So when are you going to make the Journey to your homeland up here girlie?

TheHQforHQ said...

Good question, Launey. Maybe after I can afford my own place I'll think about traveling. Are we having a reunion in Calgary in the next couple years? When is the temple scheduled to be done?