31 December 2012

EOY 2012

December 2012

Dear friends and family,

Christmas is over already!! The New Year’s approaching! Where has the time gone? Without further adoHighlights from my year:
From January through June, I taught a few English Composition classes at Colorado Technical University in Aurora and Westminster—Denver suburbs.

Beginning at the end of August, I was blessed to start teaching a couple Composition classes in Greeley at Aims, much, much closer than Aurora, and even a bit closer than Westminster. Other benefits include interacting with other English teachers, which I’ve had very little opportunities to do in all three of the other campuses where I’ve taught (NOVA, Kaplan, and CTU). I do really enjoy that and benefit quite a bit from it. The students here are also more of the traditional variety—18, 19, and mostly American, so again a different crowd than I’ve had. And I’ve enjoyed working with them. Sure, sometimes I’m baffled when they don’t know why conversations about guns and schools have changed since 1999, or when they don’t know who Mork and Mindy are. But maybe I like having that edge on them J. 
In May, I was called as the Relief Society (women’s organization) secretary and released as a primary (children’s) teacher. So I’ve been spending a bit more time on my calling than I had before. I missed primary for a little while and still do some. It didn’t seem a long enough stay, but as things go in the Church, I’m sure it’ll come back around eventually. Work in the Relief Society has been rewarding, too, as I’ve gotten to work with a few great ladies, with some turn over in the counselors.  
As the school year approached, I was hired by a young family to teach their two daughters French in their home. The girls are 6 and 9, and sometimes fun kids to work with. (Sometimes they’re as most kids are, particular after school hours—fidgety and ready to be done with it.) But I like both having the opportunity to work with my French and to work with these kids.
As the school year approached, I was hired by a young family to teach their two daughters French in their home. The girls are 6 and 9, and sometimes fun kids to work with. (Sometimes they’re as most kids are, particular after school hours—fidgety and ready to be done with it.) But I like both having the opportunity to work with my French and to work with these kids.
 In August, I started selling Avon. It’s been fun meeting new women through this endeavor (one of the reasons I signed up—to get to know my neighbors.) I’ve also met some through Avon meetings and through a couple Open Houses. And I like Avon products. On the down side, I really dislike multi-level marketing strategies. I haven’t made much money by it, though I appreciate all who have supported me! But I don’t know how much longer I’ll keep it up. You can still contact me, though, or go through my website if you’re interested in buying since I’ll still keep my account. Their prices are actually pretty good, but sharing the shipping with other buyers certainly helps.
This summer we had an RW (my parents) Quist reunion up in Post Falls, Idaho, with Aunt Patsy and Uncle Tim (Dad’s sister and her husband) joining the gang for a while as well as one of Pat and Dad’s cousins and her husband.  We had some good times there, hanging out mostly, in my sister Cyndi’s expansive backyard and at a nearby beach.

For Thanksgiving, we had another family reunion of sorts. First my brother Thom and his family came up from Leadville for a few days before Thanksgiving, which brought the locals up to the house. Then, the day they left, a few hours later, my Grandma Wilson, Aunt Gayle and Uncle Al came over from Orem, UT bringing Nicki up from Denver for a while on T-Day. To add to the fun, my sister Kim and her family came over from further south in Utah, too. So we had a nice full table and much to be grateful for.

So, I guess that brings it to the end of the year, eh? Do I have anything else to say? Um, I’m still single. No news there.  Health is doing okay. My sleep schedule is still a little wonky, but I’m kind of used to it.
Thanks to all for your friendship and familyship. Wishing you the best in safety and happiness with the holiday season and the upcoming year! In spite of the horrific things happening in our world, we still have reason to celebrate.  Christ came to save us! The New Year is an opportunity to improve ourselves, improve our lives and our world.

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