21 May 2008

New Design

Do you like it? Seeing a few friends pretty (as in nice looking) big banners, I thought I might try my hand it creating something, but when I did find something I liked, my old design template didn't match any more, so I found a different one and switched the color, so the body part is rather simple, but do you like it anyway? I kind of like this color--I guess they call it melon. But I usually call it sunshine orange. Actually sunshine orange is a little bit more yellow in it, but it's pretty close. I've always been curious why they call it melon, though. I'm not a grand melon connoisseur or anything but I know the three common ones: honey dew melon, watermelon and cantelope. Honey dew is a pale green, watermelon is usually red, though sometimes yellow and cantelope, the only one that doesn't actually have the word melon in it, is the color they call melon. Don't you find that rather interesting? Anyway, I like the color. I hope you do too. Not sure about the font color yet though. Hmmm.

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