18 October 2009


As the cold weather has hit again, I've had socks on the brain quite a bit. Why? Because I'm not terribly fond of socks. Generally speaking. There are some socks that I like, however, and I love getting warm, fun socks as gifts. But generally, I'm a barefoot baby, quite happy to run around with pebbles poking my arches.

Why do I not like socks?
1. They're the key to letting people know my pants are sometimes not long enough
2. Finding the right ones to match whatever I'm wearing is tricking and expensive
3. Wearing shoes and socks makes my feet stink.
4. They're either too thick or too thin--either can't fit into my shoes, or so thin they're falling down my ankles all the time.
5. When they get holes, I'm annoyed with the hole all day, and probably longer because I don't want to throw them out and pay money to replace them, especially if they happen to match something.
6. They look funny with skirts and dresses which means I have to have pantyhose, which are even worse.
7. Pairs get split up all over the place
in the wash
in the bed
behind the bed
between the shower and the hamper
8. If I'm wearing only socks and I have to go outside, they get dirtier or sopping wet a lot faster than if I'm only wearing shoes.
9. I have nice looking ankles without the socks.

Why do I, therefore, like socks that are gifts, or fun socks?
1. These socks are cute, so it doesn't matter if they match anything. I'm not wearing them for that.
2. They keep my feet warm enough that I don't have to wear shoes, too.
3. They make people smile.
4. Of course, they still get lost and separated. Especially because these are often night socks that are bound to be worn into bed. But because they're colorful and fun, I can usually notice readily when they're missing and see them as they stand out in the mess of sheets, etc.


Carma said...

I hate socks too. I think it started when I went to college and somehow never found the time to wash them- then I discovered how liberating sandals were. I even wore them in the snow once. Now I wear mary jane style shoes but without socks.

Unknown said...

But they make great puppets!

TheHQforHQ said...

Good point, Steve :)