22 February 2008

Crazy Bored!

Until now, the temping scene has been "okay" as in, at least I've been able to work on my thesis so even though I've never had enough work to do, it's been "okay." But now that I'm finished with my first draft of the creative part and don't feel like looking at it again until I've gotten some feedback (and even then, I'll admit I'm a little tired of it--though I still hope other people like it :) ), I'm going out of my mind with boredom! I really don't think I can handle four more months of this. I'm really surprised I've been doing this for a year. Well, not really just that, actually. I had a lot of dead time at my "real" job before that too. Are other people's jobs like this or am I the only one cursed with millions of jobs that are so non-demanding timewise?

I'm sure there are others or there wouldn't be so many day-time gamers, bloggers, general net surfers, etc. I've played too many games though. I'm done. Well, I wish I was.

I thought if I started another book that might help, so I did start the Polly portion of my quadriology (how do you call those)? the other night, so I could have something to go with at work, but I'm just not finding the right atmosphere here or something. There is definitely something to say for being surrounded by like-minded thinkers--like the inspirations I feel while I'm at Hollins that made way for Dave the Duck (the first in the quadriology).

So why was I able to write so much of the Cookies book away from Hollins, I wonder? Maybe not so much the presence of other fictophiles, though there are some of those (just not as close together and seen on such a daily basis), but the presence of other members of the Church, who kind of comprise the characterization of the book. That's all I can think of. Any other thoughts?

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