31 March 2008

Done or not done

Friday night I felt exhilirated as I finished editing the last section of my thesis for the second time. I knew it wasn't done even at that moment, but it was a nice feeling. The next day I looked through my notebook from school last summer wherein I had jotted down some notes from my peers' comments and remembered some things that needed attention. Later that day I went to a party and was complaining about something I didn't like in a book and remembered something else I needed to do. It was a little discouraging, I have to admit.

I mean, of course I knew there would be more work than just fixing up weak language. But I was actually just looking in the notebook for a list of words to be avoided or minimized--like smile and happy and nod--two nods per novel! That's the rule!--and sigh. Sigh! Isn't it a shame that such good words need to be avoided? But of course, it's only so they can be replaced with better words--like, well, I can't think of any right now. But I know they're out there anyway--okay like exhuberant. like mouth spreading as wide as the whole orange. like bent his head down then looked up sexily through crooked bangs. like exhilirated!

So I guess that's the attitude I need to adopt. Imagine how energized and elated I'll be when all of those other plot and character situations are touched up! It's good to change good things for better, right?

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