15 August 2008

Birthday Meme

Hey, I know, I've been absent for awhile. I think it's because I'm so concentrated on my thesis I can hardly think enough about other things to write a sentence. Maybe. Sorry for my neglect. But I've been reading some other blogs and a friend did this, so I thought it sounded fun. Play if you want.

Look up your birthday in Wikipedia. Pick 4 events, 3 births, 2 deaths, and 1 holiday.

July 21



Ann Marie said...

So, when is your birthday? That's interesting. How is the thesis coming? I'm glad you popped back in here for a bit. Have a great weekend!

TheHQforHQ said...

Thesis is so, so close! One more run through before giving back to my advisor, then the 10-15 page critical thing. A couple months? Hopefully