05 June 2008

Politics, agh!

I'm not a terrible fan of politics, but I have a mild curiosity and do do some research about candidates. In any case, I have a roommate who is very much into politics and since I'd watched about 30 minutes of Fox the night of Clinton's loss to Obama, I had some curiosity questions for her--mostly opinion-based. During the course of the conversation, she not a Clinton fan, said something to the effect that if Obama did take her as VP, she'd likely kill him secretly and then "Woops, I guess I'm President" Bright smile.

It reminded me of a chapter in the Book of Mormon where a certain citizen, Amalickiah, desires power and seeks audience with the king to the this effect. When the king is finally convinced, after long persuasion, to come down from his mountain hide-out and see him, Amalickiah gains his wish and becomes second in command. Not long after that, Am's thugs kill the king and then of course, Am becomes king.

Curiously, I happened upon this chapter in my daily reading this morning. Is it an omen? Hmm.


Ann Marie said...

Hey Heidi! Yeah, I do teach RS. Whoa! You guys are way ahead of us. I am teaching the chapter on gifts of the spirit, chapter 9. Did you teach that? Hey, just some little help. Everytime I prepare I go to a certain site and get a take on the lesson from another point of view. Click on the Exponent II link under places I go on my site and they should have chapter 11 on there already. Good luck! We'll have to compare notes! I just wish we were on the same lesson, darn. Love ya!

Ann Marie said...

You're welcome! I don't know why we're two weeks off either. I think it might just be our ward because my sister's ward is like you and way ahead too. Hmm... Well, good luck with your lesson too, I'm sure you're a fantastic teacher! Hey, let me know what you're doing for your lesson because I'll have to do that one next month!:) Love ya!